Ginger Lozar's

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  Ginger has performed for audiences from Argentina to China and her shows have been loved by just about everyone. Here are a few of the audience reactions, headlines, and reviews:
The Reviews:
  • "Puppets Delight Area Audiences" - Carol Michaels, The Weekly, Rantoul, Il.

  • "Chinese Puppet Performance Dazzles Students at Our Lady of Lourdes School" - Valene Wells, Decatur Herald Review, Decatur, Il. 3/2004.

  • "Local Puppeteer Combines Art and Education for Kids" - Melissa Mares, The Daily Illini, Urbana, IL. 4/2004.

  • "Making the puppets is really fun!" - Allison Taber (7) (From Johnna Kelly, Weekend Edition, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, News Gazette, 3/2004).

  • "Puppet Lady Thrills kids, Sneaks in Lesson or Two" - Corrina Curry, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, News Gazette.

  • "That was so fun!" - Female student, Carl Sandburg Elementary School, quoted in the Charleston Times Courier, Charleston and Mattoon, Il. 2003.

  • "She fit right in with what we're doing." - Jamie Willis, Carl Sandburg Elementary School (From the Journal Gazette - Times Courier, Charleston and Mattoon, Il. 2003.

  • "Students Learn Through Puppetry" - Johnna Kelly, Weekend Edition, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, News Gazette, 3/2004

  • "The show was very well received this morning." - Linda Parnesll, Principal, Middletown Early Childhood Center, Mahomet, Il. (Quoted in The Daily Illini, Urbana, Il. 4/2004)

  • "Abby Coffman (2) of Champaign, laughs with she checks out the display of colorful Chinese masks and props. They were getting set for... Ginger Lozar's Puppets presentation of Plum Blossom and the Dragon." Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, News Gazette, July, 2003.

  • "She's brought puppets in from around the world. There's no way we could do all this." - Megan Beyers, Judith Giacomo Elementary School, quoted in the Commercial News, Danville, Il. 3/2000.

  • Migrant Students 'Do Cool Things' At Summer School in Champaign" - Melissa Merli, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, News Gazette.

  • "I liked the part where the wolf dressed up like Santa Claus" - Christa Bates (8), The State Journal Register, Springfield, Il. (From article "Untraditional Puppet Show Applauded" by Jacqueline Price.

  • "Teachers Get lesson on Arts in the Classroom. Group's First Showcase Offers Teachers an Education in Fun." - Linda Zimmer, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, News Gazette.

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Contact Information
  Ginger Lozar's Puppets
1708 Salem Rd
Champaign, IL 61821
Phone: (217) 621-3183